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Setbacks fuel new dreams

Sunday, 15 June 2014

 by Husna Inayathullah

Sanduni woke up one midnight and realised that her dream had been shattered. She was sporty and loved sports. She took part in all the events at her school sportsmeet. 

 Every year she was placed second in the race. This year she was determined to come first. She practised day and night. She read many books and browsed the Internet to find tips to become a good athlete and how to be placed first.

The next day was the day of the sportsmeet. As she was thinking about it, even in her dreams she saw her being placed second. This made her worried and anxious.

She called her mother who rushed from her bedroom. "Sandu, why are you screaming in the middle of the night? What's wrong with you baby?"

Sanduni told her what she had dreamt. She was so worried about it. Sanduni said, "I tried to close my eyes to sleep again and go back to the dream and beat her in the race but it was impossible."

"My dear child, you are good in sports but you should not be so much into it. Gaining victory is only a part of success. Participation and dedication are more important than winning. Sanduni, don't worry because you have dedication and determination, you have the opportunity to win," mother said.

 Sanduni did not sleep well that night after she woke up from her dream. She was thoughtful.

Pamudi, a fast runner and her close competitor was a good friend. Now Sanduni started to develop a grudge against Pamudi. She was jealous of her and felt like doing something to injure her but the words which her mother said were reverberating in her mind.

It was the day of the school sportsmeet. Sanduni was nervous. She gobbled the food which her mother had prepared and went to the playground accompanied by her parents.

Sanduni's event was about to take place. Over the public address system athletes taking part in the 200 metres race were asked to come to the starting point.

Sanduni and her friends went to the pitch. "Wish you all the best Sanduni," said Pamudi. "Thank you and wish you all the best too," replied Sanduni.

The race started. " On your mark! Get set! Go!" said the starter. All the athletes were running at full speed.
As usual this time as well Pamudi got the first place and Sanduni got second.

Sanduni was not disappointed. She recalled the words of her mother. Sanduni realised that what her mother said was correct. She recalled that participation is more important than winning.

It was the end of the events. The awards ceremony was about to take place. All the students gathered in the grounds.

The winners were awarded and finally Sanduni's name was announced.

Sanduni helped the teachers a lot during the sportsmeet. To her surprise, she was praised and given a gift by the school sports teacher for her help and interest in sports. She was extra-ordinarily well known for sports in the school. "I always wanted to win everything I took part in since I was a child. Time doesn't change a person, it just helps you understand who you are.

I still hate losing. I'm just more gracious about it. I'm also aware that setbacks fuel new dreams," thought Sanduni to herself.


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