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Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Debate competition

Sunday, 15 June 2014

Organised by the The Interact Club of Al-Imran International School, Kandy 

The Interact Club (2013-2014) of Al-Imran International School, Kandy organised an inter-school debating competition which was held at the school auditorium recently. Gampola International School, Gampola (G.I.S) and Al- Imran International School, Kandy (A.I.I.S) reached the finals.

Being the first international school in Kandy, this was the maiden endeavour of the school in this respect. There was overwhelming participation from schools in the Kandy district. The competition was held successfully over a period of time, before the finals was held. Al- Imran International School emerged winners at the finals which was held on June 8 at the G.I.S school auditorium.


Pioneer leaders of the Al-Imran Interact Club (2013-2014) Pic: Husna Inayathullah

Students who participated in the finals in brown colour uniform are from G.I.S flanked by A.I.I.S. Pic: Husna Inayathullah


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